Do You Need Boat Insurance In The Off Season

Boat owners dock their boats at a local marina during the off-season every year. Despite California often being associated with constant sunshine, it also experiences an off-season for boats. During a typical winters characterized by choppy, high waters, most boat owners abstain from voyages. Similarly, many boat owners in Northern California opt to dock their boats for the season. Do you still require boat insurance during this period, or is it superfluous? Let’s delve into everything you need to know.

Insurance Mitigates Damages

A majority of boat owners maintain their insurance through Rock Hard Insurance Agency even when their boat is docked during the off-season. Natural disasters and accidents can strike unexpectedly, irrespective of the boat’s inactivity status. Specific types of coverage will address any damage to your boat, thereby alleviating the financial burden of expensive repair costs. Given that boats in marinas are typically parked close together, you could be held responsible if your boat collides with another during severe weather conditions.

Adherence to Marina Regulations

Most boat owners in Fontana, CA, dock their boats in a marina. However, numerous marinas necessitate boat owners to maintain insurance to permit their boats to be docked. A lapse in coverage could result in the troublesome task of finding a new marina. Today, many marinas verify that boat owners possess and maintain insurance coverage if the boat damages the surrounding boats during extreme weather or other accidental situations. Securing appropriate coverage guarantees a hassle-free docking spot for your vessel.

Get in Touch with Rock Hard Insurance Agency

We at Rock Hard Insurance Agency specialize in a variety of insurance types, including boat and watercraft insurance. Our experienced agents collaborate with you to identify the right coverage to ensure off-season protection, even if you only seek liability coverage. We take pride in serving the Fontana, CA, region. Contact Rock Hard Insurance Agency today for more detailed information.